Effort Continues to Save Growing Number of Oiled Birds Near Refinery

  • LDWF personnel triage an oiled tricolored heron recovered at the Alliance Refinery oil spill.
    LDWF personnel triage an oiled tricolored heron recovered at the Alliance Refinery oil spill.

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) has documented more than 100 oiled birds from an oil spill at Alliance Refinery in Belle Chasse. The spill is associated with Hurricane Ida’s path through the area on Aug. 29.

The number of oiled birds documented, with more expected, have been observed within heavy pockets of crude oil throughout the facility as well as nearby flooded fields and retention ponds.

Some of the oiled birds have been captured and transported to a designated rehabilitation location. It may take weeks before the effort to save the birds and other animals is completed.

Black-bellied whistling ducks, blue-winged teal and a variety of egret species were among the birds found. Other wildlife observed with some degree of oiling include alligators, river otters and nutria.

LDWF is working in partnership with the Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinator’s Office, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Alliance Refinery is assisting in the recovery as well.