November: Adopt a Senior Pet Month

  • McGinnis Wallo was rescued as a senior cat from the streets by his owners, Amber and Nathan, in 2015. Today, he’s living a “purr-fect” life. You too can give a senior cat a perfect life by adopting one.
    McGinnis Wallo was rescued as a senior cat from the streets by his owners, Amber and Nathan, in 2015. Today, he’s living a “purr-fect” life. You too can give a senior cat a perfect life by adopting one.
Here at the Louisiana SPCA, we will be celebrating senior pets all month long! November is National Adopt a Senior Pet Month, and our sweet, old animals are very excited to be in the spotlight. While small kittens and puppies may be adorable, senior pets are just as loveable and loyal as their younger counterparts. We think dogs and cats at any age would make great additions to a family, but we…

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